win32 executables for testing LAME modifications

(These binary executables are compiled with MinGW GCC 2.95.2 or 2.95.3, and tested on Windows 98SE.)

LAME 3.90, December 22 (CVS)
3.90 release, compiled from the CVS repository. (The original packaged 3.90 release was missing a file, "vbrquantize.h".)

Old tests:

Note the option "--adapt-thres-type" has been renamed to "--athaa-loudapprox", and "--adapt-thres-level" has been renamed to "--athaa-sensitivity".

LAME 3.90, July 23 alpha 4 (CVS)
Increased effectiveness of the ATH auto-leveling on very quiet samples.

LAME 3.89, July 1 alpha 8 (CVS)
A bug was corrected in ATH auto-leveling with "--adapt-thres-type 1". Auto-adjust regions have been retuned. (The "--adapt-thres-type 2" option was defaulted sometime earlier.)

LAME 3.89, Mar 31 alpha 1 (CVS)
Added option to allow tuning the ATH auto-adjust region. For example, use "--adapt-thres-level 3" to raise the point that the auto-adjust takes effect by 3 dB, or "--adapt-thres-level -3" to lower the point that the auto-adjust takes effect. This option applies to both adaptive threshold adjustment types, 1 (default) and 2.

Use the command line option "--adapt-thres-type 2" to enable the frequency-based loudness ATH auto-adjust.

LAME, Mar 12 alpha 10 (no modification from CVS)
LAME, Mar 12 alpha 10 with frequency-based loudness ATH adjust mod.

LAME, Mar 06 alpha 10 (no modification from CVS)
LAME, Mar 06 alpha 10 with continuous ATH mod. (revision c), plus 32 peak samples per channel loudness approx.

LAME, Feb 27 alpha 10 (no modification from CVS)
LAME, Feb 27 alpha 10 with continuous ATH mod. (revision b)
LAME, Feb 27 alpha 10 with continuous ATH mod. (revision c), plus 32 peak samples per channel loudness approx.

These modifications mainly affect VBR mode (-V1, -V2, ...)

custom LAME modifications

While this code has been moderately tested, and checked with a debugger for the desired functionality, I may have overlooked something. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.

Mar 27 (integrated with the LAME CVS)

Mar 20 source diff for frequency-based loudness ATH adjust mod., and more aggressive ATH auto-adjust tuning

Mar 12 source diff for frequency-based loudness ATH adjust mod.

The following continuous ATH mod. (revision c) is now part of the LAME CVS.

Feb 27 source diff for continuous ATH adjust mod. (revision c)

Feb 27 source diff for continuous ATH adjust mod. (revision b)

Feb 27 source diff for continuous ATH adjust mod.

Feb 27 source diff for 32 peak samples per channel loudness approx.

/ code/ audio/
Copyright © 2001 jodarom -- last update: December 22, 2001