Audio software and testing

Audio compression

LAME (MP3 encoder)

Listening tests

Audio utilities

jchopwave (command line waveform chopper)

Audio compression

LAME (MP3 encoder)

LAME is an MPEG layer 3 audio encoding engine, released in source form, licensed under the LGPL.

custom modifications available for testing

past modifications (2001)

Listening tests

Observations allow evaluations of the perceptual performance of lossy encoding.

observations (1999)

Audio utilities


A simple command-line utility, jchopwave can extract sections of PCM waveform files into separate smaller ".wav" files.

You may download the source code for jchopwave, version 0.06.

/ code/ audio/
Copyright © 2003-2008 jodarom -- last update: May 21, 2008